Every Friday from 5:30pm - 7pm

The Sanctuary strongly believes in helping to uplift the lives of others by expanding our services to the general communtiy. Twice per week, we offer Spiritual Healing to the community by using White Light for treatment to assist with various ailments.These treatments are performed by our qualified Reiki Masters that serve the community on a voluntary basis. In as much as the Body needs to heal, the Mind and Soul needs to heal as well. The most common issues our clients face and seek Spiritual Healing include spinal issues, strokes, stress, anxiety, arthritis, rheumatism, migraines, headaches, muscles aches & pains, pinched nerves, sport injuries, sinusitis, asthma and depression. There is NO CHARGE for spiritual healing but there is a donations box available for those willing to make a donation, which are used for the maintenance and expansion of the Sanctuary.


Every Friday between 5:30pm - 7pm - by appointment.

We offer counselling to the community on Friday evenings. We have,over the years, assisted many adults and children alike. There is no charge for this service but it is donantion based should you wish to assist with the growth of the Sanctuary.


At the Sanctuary, we take great pride in the Reiki Healing treatments that we offer to help our patients find balance so that they may live their best life. These treatments are very calming and relaxing.

What is Reiki? 


Reiki is a Japanese technique of alternate energy healing. It is a hands-on healing conducted by our trained Reiki Masters , through which  'universal energy' is transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the patient, in order to encourage physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. It assists in removing stagnant energy within the individual, which may later lead to illness or emotional pain.

What are the benefits of Reiki?

Reiki healing is one of the greatest commitments one can make to themself, as long-term Reiki treatments will serve to restore the body to a harmonious, balanced state. It will rejuvenate the enegy centres of the body, positively impacting on the mind, body and soul whilst generally improving the flow of energy around and within the body.

What can we expect from Reiki Treatments?

A relaxed state of being, calmness, reduction of bodily pain, faster healing (physical, mental and emotional), reduced mental stress and improved mood - therefore assisting with the management of depression and anxiety. Reiki will reduce other symptoms of illness. 

Are there any side effects?

No, Reiki Treatments are perfectly safe and do not have side effects.In a reiki session, your body takes the amount of energy it needs. Nothing more or less. The energy will also go where it is required in the body. 


We believe that meditation is one of the greatest tools one can employ regularly in order to develop a greater sense of self. At  the Sanctuary, we do not only provide healing services but we are also a teaching centre where we conduct weekly group self empowerment meditation classes. This includes a lecture on evolving the self though this journey of life, whilst also leading into meditation.

Here, we seek to give you the tools that you can implement in your daily life that will empower you and your journey to improve different aspects of your life. 

Regular meditation has the following benefits:

1. Deepens self awareness

2. Reduction of stress

3. Gives you a better control over anxiety

4. Promotes emotional well-being

4. improves focus

5. May assist with memory 

6. Development of kindness to self and others

7. Helps to control pain

8. Inproves sleep

9. Can decrease blood pressure

10. Gives you a better control over depression

Please feel free to contact us to enquire about our meditation classes. 


Every person on earth carries with them baggage of some sort. It may be emotional, physical or mental but we all carry around the weight of things that do not serve our highest good and stop us from living our best life.We perform an ancient clearing treatment that will serve to clear layers of ones being, in order to lighten the load so that we can start taking our power back to live our best life. This has grown into a popular treatment at the Sanctuary and has been positively impacting the health and mental well-being of our clients. The treatment is performed in a calming and relaxed setting. It is not religious based.  This treatment costs R300.00 per session.


Turn to the Archangels whenever you are in need of help with a specific problem. We assist with connecting you to the Archangels so that you may have access to tools you need for self-help and growth.

Archangel Michael is used to remove various forms of negativity and also for protection R150.00
Archangel Raphael is used to assist with Healing R150.00