Reiki is a Japanese treatment using universal energy to heal the body on all levels (mental, physical and spiritual).
Reiki (pronounced RAY KEY) is a Japanese word made up of two roots.
REI - means universal / spiritual
KI - means life energy force
The Rei combined with Ki in Japanese means Universal Life Energy Force and Reiki is more conmmonly understood as a simple hands-on healing system of incomparible ease and efficacy.
This technique involves the laying of hands on certain points on yourself or others using universl energy to promote healing. Reiki is a natural method of energy healing that is safe and anyone can use. Reiki works with medical and all other modalities of healing with no side effects to promote recovery.
Through the transfer of energy by the laying of hands Reiki helps with:-
* Healing all levels of the body
* Detox
* Relieves pain
* Treats many conditions and emotional states
* Protection
* Removes energy blockages in the body
* Relaxes you
* Helps you to take control of your health
Classes are conducted by Reiki Master Teacher Shareen Singh. She is a member of the World Reiki Association and has worked closely with Grand Master Nalin Narula.
Classes are conducted individually as well as in groups.